Focus: Seeing (and Speaking) Your Potential in Christ
Scriptures: Proverbs 18:21, John 15:16, Philippians 1:6, Philippians 4:8

“You’re beautiful.” When my husband spoke these words to me this week, I laughed because I didn’t feel anywhere remotely close to beautiful. I’d been running my kids around for much of the day in 80-degree weather, I was sweaty, my hair was a wreck and I certainly wasn’t dressed to impressed. But refreshingly, my husband didn’t see what I saw. Instead, he looked beyond my temporary condition to see something better.
That’s exactly the way the Father is. He looks beyond our current state, all of our imperfections to see something greater. Why? Because as our Creator, he knows that he set us apart for a greater purpose and therefore, he knows that he put within us the potential to get there. He says in Isaiah 55:11: So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereunto I sent it.
But how many times do we discount ourselves because of what we see? How many times do we disqualify ourselves from receiving God’s very best for our lives simply because we cannot see past our self-perception? How many times have you already told yourself that you don’t have what it takes to be a Virtuous Woman and wife? Don’t believe the hype. This smoke and mirrors tactic is just the enemy’s way of preventing you from fulfilling your God-given purpose. If he can taint how you see yourself as a woman, then he can taint your perception of your role as a wife, ultimately destroying your marriage and your family.
So how can you fight back against this kind of deception? With God’s word. His word confirms who you are and what you can become.
Read Proverbs 31:10-31 or refer to my first blog post to identify some of the characteristics a Virtuous Woman. In a journal, make two columns: I AM and I DESIRE TO BE. Of the characteristics that you’ve identified in your reading, write them down in their respective column. This is your self-assessment, the first step in your journey. Now, in your quiet time, put your desires before the Lord and ask him to help bring out the characteristics you don't currently possess. And remember Mathew 21:22: And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. – Matthew 21:22
Lord, thank you for your word. When the enemy tries to convince me that I am incapable of becoming everything that you have called me to be, please bring back to my remembrance the truth of your word, and grant me the boldness to declare your word over my life.Save